Music Writing

The Motley Gig Guide: Sep 30th-Oct 6th 2019

(Originally published in Motley Magazine, September 29, 2019)

Deputy Entertainment Editor Cathal Donovan O’Neill gives you the five best gigs of the week

(Originally published in Motley Magazine, September 29, 2019)

Deputy Entertainment Editor Cathal Donovan O’Neill gives you the five best gigs of the week

We’re into week four, and I’ve got my first few assignments! They’re like very ugly puppies that I want to get rid of and wish I’d never been given in the first place. Or maybe angry rats, because my timetable’s about to get absolutely infested with them.

In music news, this weekend Cork’s annual Folk Festival’s back in town. If you’re into folk and trad you’ve an embarrassment of riches waiting for you in town. Check out the acts on their page A few of my favourites are in the list below, along with the non-folks.


TOY GIRL – Plugd Records at The Roundy

Plugd, 8PM

Dublin alternative rock band TOY GIRL are playing The Roundy as part of the tour for their debut single, Reign. It’s a pretty good tune and I’m interested in where the band goes after it. Cork folk/pop musician Arthur Valentine is playing support, bringing the chill vibes. It’s also free, and there’s no arguing with free.

More info at the events page

Sara Ryan Album Launch (Breathe)

Connolly’s of Leap (Leap Village), 8pm

Sara Ryan brings soul with a sharp edge to Connolly’s of Leap. The Kildare singer’s launching her debut album Breathe, a ten-track collection working through some of Ireland’s greatest challenges and finding hope where she can. Leap’s some distance away from UCC, but if you’re in the area it’s well worth a look.

Tickets for €10 at the door. More info at


Laurie Shaw – “Helvetica” Album Launch – GIG OF THE WEEK!

Plugd, 8:30PM

We plugged him last week, we’re plugging him again this week. Laurie Shaw drops his new LP Helvetica in The Roundy. Check out Knight Of The Realm on Bandcamp/streaming for a taste of what’s to come: Alex Turner gone garage rock with evocative imagery. Strongly recommended for DIY rock fans, a must for Arctic Monkeys fans.

Tickets available at the door for €6, €12 with the album and a program. More info on the events page


Katie Kim & Landless // Cork Folk Festival

Kino, 8pm

You like a bit of dark folk music? I love a bit of dark folk music. Katie Kim brings a unique swirl of atmospheric folk to the Cork Folk Festival. Landless share the bill, and are a really interesting sean-nós/four-part harmony mix. Enjoy Irish cultural heritage and/or plumbing the depths of the soul? Here’s the gig for you.

Tickets available through for €18.50 plus booking fee. More info available at events page


Luke Daniels—The Polyphon Chronicles

St Peters Church, 1pm

Singer/songwriter Luke Daniels brings a unique musical experience to St Peter’s Church accompanied by a polyphon, a four-foot-tall music box that looks like a grandfather clock. Nobody else has made music for the polyphon in about a century, so it’s not something you’ll see again anytime soon. Even without the novelty value, Daniels has a strong, plaintive voice and a rare talent for writing lyrics. At the low price of free, it’s a steal.

For more information check out the Cork Folk Festival’s events page

(Originally published in Motley Magazine, September 29, 2019)

Deputy Entertainment Editor Cathal Donovan O’Neill gives you the five best gigs of the week

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